Program: Promark Virtual Round Table
Topic: Harassment Prevention Webinar​
Date and time: Nov 18, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time
Duration: 1 hour
Presented By:
Jennifer Costanzo, Promark Agency
New York State now has a mandatory training requirement for all employers to combat sexual harassment in the workplace. Regardless of your business size, employers are required to establish a sexual harassment prevention policy, supply employees with a point-of-contact within the company along with a complaint form, and implement annual training to every employee. In an effort to support our New York State business owners, we are offering a FREE sexual harassment training webinar on November 13, 2018 at noon. The webinar will comply with all requirements for New York State annual training. Employers are encouraged to gather employees together in one room to participate as space will be limited. Participating companies will receive a copy of the recorded webinar and instructions on how to use that webinar for new employees or employees who were unable to attend the live event. For those employers in New York City, we will include bystander intervention training to comply with the more stringent NYC guidelines.
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